Your boat is like a second home.
It’s where you create fond memories and let loose. You can experience the world from the comfort of your seat and then some, fishing and swimming to your heart’s content. Just like you would your home office or RV, keeping it looking good is essential to getting the most out of your experience. Should you be considering some boat additions this holiday season, look to woven boat flooring. There are some truly wonderful accessories out there that can have you looking at your beloved hobby in a whole new light.
Durable and beautiful, woven boat flooring is just one of the must-haves for the passionate boat owner.
Everyone Loves Boating
Boating is very beloved in the United States. It may be cold right now, but that doesn’t stop Americans from indulging in one of their most popular hobbies. From fishing in a favorite river to enjoying the depths of a massive lake, boating connects several demographics and age groups together. Millions of American families regularly take to the great outdoors every year, with the average annual expense of both boat use and maintenance running about 10% of the purchase price. No matter your particular hobbies, padding out your boat will be well worth the investment.
Fishing, Swimming, And More
What do you prefer to do when taking out your pontoon boat? A recent survey found nearly 10% of Americans currently considering fishing as a regular hobby. Of the ones considering it, half are stating it as a potential form of stress relief. Swimming is another wonderful way to get fit, exercising all the major muscle groups and pushing away the summer heat. For those that prefer a little more acting, wakesurfing is the go-to activity. A new boat carpet can take away some of the maintenance time that goes into stocking your weekend gear and cleaning up afterwards.
Fun Facts About Boating Today
Did you know over 90% of all Americans live within an hour’s drive of a navigable body of water? It’s easy to see why boating tends to crop up in one form or another. The vast majority of boats on the water are 26 feet or less, to boot, thanks to studies provided by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (or NMMA). Bass boats are a little bit smaller, ranging between 15 to 25 feet, and are most often used for freshwater fishing. They’re defined by having both a freeboard and a V hull.
Popular Boat Accessories
What should you be looking out for when buying boat carpet kits? The kind of accessories you buy depend significantly on your hobby and how often you pull out your boat in a given year. Marine carpet sales have been doing rather well, since it’s frustrating to end the day and realizing you’ve gotten your clothes and equipment wet. Fishers, of course, should look to portable ice boxes to keep their catch fresh. Those who prefer to swim would do well to combine woven boat flooring with a protective casing for their swim gear.
The Benefits Of The Marine Carpet
When the winter hits you’ll do whatever’s necessary to keep your boat in working condition. The six popular steps for ‘de-winterizing’ a boat include checking your oil, checking your battery, draining your cooling system, topping off your fuel tank, checking the belts, and checking safety equipment. Think anchor, flotation devices, and the fire extinguisher. A woven boat flooring counteracts the common issues of flooding and mold, providing you with an extra note of comfort that won’t add onto your to-do list. The two you can find on the market are the snap-in boat carpet and the glue down boat carpet.
A good boat is comfortable, well-stocked, and able to be pulled out at a moment’s notice. How can you improve your hobby this holiday season?