The week has finally arrived.
After more than a year in the planning, your husband will finally get to see two of his favorite sports teams in the same week. You have looked at plenty of sports travel packages in the past, but you have never before been able to get the schedules to work. This year, however, you are thrilled that your husband will be able to see his favorite professional football team and his favorite college team compete in a matter of just a few days.
The sports travel package you have selected also includes a number of other sport worthy events in town, plus plenty of shopping and relaxing for you.
College and Professional Sports Tours Make for the Perfect Gift for Many People
From soccer World Cup Packages to Super Bowl events there are plenty of great opportunities for people who love to watch their favorite teams compete. Scheduling these events on your own, however, can be a challenge. By working with a professional travel agent who creates sports travel packages that appeal to a number of enthusiasts. By working with these travel professionals, in fact, you can likely get access to some activities and events that you otherwise would have not known about.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many people in America who love sports and some of the many ways that they spend money supporting their favorite athletes:
- 31 million people attended a college sports event in 2017, according to a Statista survey.
- More than 70% of survey respondents follow college basketball at least occasionally, according to a Statista surve.
- The NCAA generated $820 million in revenue in its 2017 financial year from television and marketing rights fees.
- Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and soccer are the five largest sports in the U.S.
- Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia are the only five U.S. cities with all four major sports, which include MLB, NFL, NBA, and the NHL.
- 37% of U.S. adults indicate that football is their favorite sport to watch. This is by far the most popularity for any sport. Baseball, in comparison, is at its lowest point ever, with only 9% indicating that it is their favorite sport to watch.
If you are looking for a great way to celebrate an upcoming birthday, graduation, or anniversary, a trip to see your favorite college or sports team compete.